“A point
indicates a location”.
“A line
indicates a distance between two points”.
“A volume
indicates a space”.
interval indicates duration”.
constitute the four dimensions.
We cannot
measure any other dimensions beyond these four, and our concepts of reality and
of real things stem from one or more of these measurements. We generally
conclude that something does not “exist” if it cannot be measured by one or
more of these measurements. If we talk about something existing which cannot be
thus measured, we refer to it as a “myth” or a “fiction”.
To this
type of subject there has been frequent reference in ancient fables,
mythologies and tales about Santa Claus, extra terrestrials and the like. For
many, references to God, angels, heaven, hell and life after death fall into
the same category. These cannot be perceived sensibly and consequently they are
relegated into the bin of non-existence. This is the situation much of the
world now faces; a form of materialism which teaches that there is no limit to
what we can attain and possess if we work hard enough to get it. Those who
don’t take advantage of their opportunities will remain failures and poor in
earthly possessions. Philosophies that place value only in materialistic pursuits
and fail to see the value and dignity of each and every other human person,
will sooner or later treat people as “things” or consider their own wills as
divine; or both. If the value of a
person can be “measured” materialistically, or as how useful he/she is to me, then
the world descends into a dog-eat-dog competition to be “top-dog”.
however, we consider believing that there is a dimension of the human person
not measurable by our standards, a dimension of interiority which is not bound
by location, length, volume or duration, and which dimension is, nevertheless
“real”, then maybe we are open to the possibility of encountering with new
insight into some of the most ancient philosophies of the world.
the modern history of man, we have looked outwards to the stars to read the
answer to the mystery of life. Astrologers saw stories told by the
constellations and magi and astrologers gave interpretations of those stories
and read man’s destinies in planetary movements and the apparent location of
the sun and moon through the “houses” of the Zodiak. The “signs” under which we
were born and lived were seen as “significant” predictors to live by.
Copernicus, Galileo and the Hubble have put those understandings away and have
now caused men to develop new theories or
myths,; String Theory, Big Bang
Theory, and others to explain how this cosmos could have originated from an
infinitely small point of no dimensions, exploded outwards at a presently
proven accelerating rate to an as yet undetermined future. Nowhere, is any God
although inexplicably, if there is a God, perhaps He doesn’t require a “place”
to be. The creator of the four dimensions from no thing, does not need to be
confined within those four.
So where,
then, is God? No where, and God is no thing. God is the Creator of time and
space itself. This God must, therefore, be connected to this “original” point
of no dimensions which is simply “everywhere” and “now” as distinguished from
“coming” or “going”. With respect to each of us, this God must be “within”.
thousand years ago, a certain man was born. To all appearances and according to
human ways of measurement, this man was
like all other men in every respect. As he grew, however, he began to give
signs of being special in one respect. He didn’t ever seem to be subject to the
common human traits of pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony nor lust. In
other words, he was a very good person. But as he grew to manhood, he began to
teach others about God in a way which became “offensive”, and people began to
talk about him as if he were some kind of nut. His initial teaching about God
was really strange to the listeners. He began to say things like, “Change the
way you think about reality”, and that “the Kingdom of God
is within you” and telling people to “Believe this ‘good news’”. Very few people believed that Jesus was a
true prophet from God and ultimately while he collected a small group of
followers who struggled to accept what Jesus taught, at critical junctures
they would abandon him to the authorities, who ultimately killed Jesus and hung him
up on a cross to die.
We know
that this was not the end of Jesus’ teaching, for his followers had experiences
of a Risen Jesus and a commission to go out to all the world and preach this
‘Good News’”.
in this good news is not the result of conclusions based upon reason. It is
definitely not the consequence of scientific observation. It stems from belief
in the trustworthiness of the one proclaiming it, i.e., Jesus, a very “good”
man, who nevertheless deflects being called a ‘good man’ by saying, “Only One
is good, the Father, the source of all that is good".
And where
might we find this Jesus today?
Charlie Mc
Charlie Mc
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