The Good News- Reviewed
to the most recent scholarly estimates, the Cosmos has existed for
approximately some 13,700,000,000 years. In that time, it expanded from a
non-dimensional “point” to a size containing approximately 10,000,000,000 galaxies
each containing presently approximately 100,000,000,000 stars in each. One of
those stars is the one we have named “the sun”. All the energy we receive on
our tiny planet we have come to call “earth” comes to us from that aging sun.
earth was formed as a planet circling that sun approximately 5,000,000,000
years ago. As it cooled, that planet settled into a condition “just right”
(Goldilocks effect) to have
life evolve upon it. Eventually, human life evolved and with the adequate
equipment, those humans began to use their brains to solve life’s problems and
to even contemplate some of life’s greatest mysteries. Thus, mankind began the
search for the source of this wonderland, the creator. This search began out of
need; need for help in surviving the dangers in every venue; and ultimately in
hopes of avoiding or being saved from that ultimate mystery, death itself.
Man used
his experiences in life and the power of his mind to seek the Cause, the
Creator, the Savior, the ultimate Power.
Mankind sought for this Being in
Nature, in the stars, in drugs and in human experiences of transcendence;
but the closest he could approach these were in Ikons, Idols, Symbols, none of
which proved to be sufficient for man’s need.
continued his desperate search for this God in his external world even
sometimes to inventing myths, legends, fables some of which tried to
demonstrate that this Powerful One chose their people, their tribe, their
nation as His own, and He was described as making covenant promises to save
their particular group over and against neighboring enemy groups. Throughout history, man has sought happiness by pursuing wealth, pleasures, power or by receiving other men's praise, honor and reputation. Unfortunately, all these goals pass away.
One day,
a man appeared on earth who had lived thepparently normal life of a Jew in Nazareth in Galilee, but as he became known to Jews near
the Sea of Galilee he began to proclaim the “news”
all mankind had been seeking, the direction to God. Thirty
five years later, long after this man had been executed by the Roman authorities in Jerusalem
for sedition, his story was written down in what has come to be known as the
gospel of Mark. In that work, the author records the opening address, the
Keynote, so to speak, of this man Yeshua,
with the following words:
“The present moment is the right time, change the way you
think [Metanoiete], for the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you.
Believe THIS ‘good news’.”[Mk. 1:15-16]
think [Metanoiete], for the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you.
Believe THIS ‘good news’.”[Mk. 1:15-16]
That is
it. The God you have all been seeking through all the ages is within you,
closer to you than you are to yourselves, and all you have to do is believe it.
If you do believe it, then it becomes possible to consider oneself to be in the
presence of this God in what has come to be called “prayer”.
Yeshua apparently taught this reality to his disciples and to anyone who would
listen. Many, however, apparently did not listen and did not believe, but
instead considered Yeshua to be mad and a danger to life as we so chose to live
it. But his faithful disciples believed, and took his teachings and began to
proclaim them as the followers spread
far and wide and began to try to organize, both their structure and their
teachings into what we now recognize as Church and as Tradition.
much of Yeshua’s teachings were thus transmitted in this way, some teachings
developed which in their attempt to understand the reality of which Yeshua
spoke, lost sight of the truth that understanding was not the
key, but belief, even the belief as found in little children. This teaching
embarrassed some scholars who felt that they themselves possessed the key, and
anyone who disagreed with their understanding should be corrected, and if they
would not be corrected, they should be ex-communicated from the Church. Thus
began wars in the name of religion. Thus also
began the Church’s teaching that there was “Nullus salvatio extra ecclesiae”
[No salvation outside the Church].
In this
year of 2015, the world is nearing a global war being waged on close minded
fundamentalist religious beliefs. It is time for the world to begin to pay
attention to what the spiritual
leaders of the world are saying and to silence the religious leaders who with their close-minded refusal to dialogue
with others as equals, are fanning the flames of this oncoming catastrophe. Let
us turn to the teachings of the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Thomas Merton,
Thomas Keating, Karen Armstrong, John Paul II, John XXIII, Abraham Heschel,
D.T.Suzuki, Martin Buber, and be guided by the teaching that the only place big
enough to be home for God is WITHIN each and every one of us, and let no thing
interfere with our seeking God in light of this reality.
This non-dimensional withinness is the same non-dimensional "point" of no dimension from which emerged the entire cosmos, 13.7 billion years ago.
This non-dimensional withinness is the same non-dimensional "point" of no dimension from which emerged the entire cosmos, 13.7 billion years ago.
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